Friday, May 31, 2013

Home Remedies for Constipation Constipation Relief Tips

Home Remedies for Constipation Constipation Relief Tips 

Irregularity amounts to constipation. Constipation is related to the digestive system. It is a condition that affects the individual by a hardening of feces, which experience biological difficulty in egesting. Extreme discomfort and outright pain is inflicted upon the afflicted. If not treated, in its early stages by home remedies for constipation bowel obstruction can develop. Dietary, hormonal, anatomical, side effects of medications, illnesses or disorder are the major causes of constipation.
Amid the process of considerations towards home remedies for constipation is for the ailing individual to initially identify the circumstances of their respective condition. Defining constipation is realized through the following determinations inconsistent movement of the bowels, as in three or less fecal evacuations within a week; complications upon defecation, involving considerable straining or pushing, at a minimum of higher intensity of twenty-five percent, associated with a internal sensing of hardened stools; upon the process of defecation, an insufficient evacuation of the bowels. Hence, as the afflicted has ascertained the intensity of the constipation, a better judgment can be implored in a treatment within home remedies for constipation.
Detecting the cause of an individual's constipation is quite significant, in both alleviating and avoiding a reoccurrence of the condition within the digestive system. Such self-analysis will significantly aid in the choice of home remedies for constipation. The more common contributors to bouts of constipation include inadequate chewing of food; lack of ample ingest of fluids in creating dehydration; excessive mineral intakes of aluminum, calcium and iron; limited or decreased locomotion in physical activity; onset of hypothyroidism, in decreasing the actions of the thyroid glands; hypokalemia; injury to the anus and sphincter; prescriptions, to include codeine, loperamide, morphine, and particular antidepressants of a tricyclic composition; underlying illnesses; inherent and acute porphyria; unintentional poisoning through lead; suppressed defecation, clinically termed as dyschezia; intestinal or rectal constrictions, which impede the passage of feces; Strictures, clinically referred to as stenosis; diverticula, whereas certain food particles become trapped within various pockets of the digestive system; tissues involving the areas of the bowels in the development of tumors; a foreign matter of embodiment, termed as a bezoar; anxiety or unfamiliarity with environment, clinically referred to as psychosomatic constipation; irritable bowel syndrome, that is associated with constipation of a predominant circumstance, to include intense abdominal pain and discomfort; cessation of the smoking of tobacco; surgery to the abdomen; and childbirth. Some form of home remedies for constipation can aid all of the proceeding maladies.
For those individuals who are not presenting complex medical problems, though are suffering from constipation, can greatly benefit from a number of practical and dietary consumables as home remedies for constipation. In such proven argument against over-the-counter and non-prescribed usage of retail laxatives, as these forms of relief from constipation can lead to an issue, whereas the action of the chronically afflicted individual's bowels develop a co-dependency upon increased use of such formulations. Therefore, in normal case scenarios, home remedies for constipation are the options preferred by general consensus. Such forms of natural intervention, in the alleviation of constipation, include the afflicted individual's adequate intake of liquids, mainly good quality water, along with fibers from a dietary source. The fiber options are merely the inclusion of ample vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads, to incorporate a better balance in the daily diet, along with such considerations in supplementing the diet of the ailing with linseeds, all, to encourage the natural approach towards home remedies for constipation.
Other approaches in the relieving of constipation, from an alternative and practical mode, which supports physical or mechanical home remedies for constipation include such supportive treatments as colonic irrigation; enemas of naturally-based composition; adequate exercise; diet budgeting, as to balance intake, as appropriate; and certain herbs.
Focusing on exercise as to one of the natural relievers in pursuit of home remedies for constipation, is, perhaps, more of a preventative measure towards the avoidance in the progressive development of undesirable constipation. Exercising, among home remedies for constipation can be tailored to suit any or most individuals' lifestyles to some level or degree.
In conclusion, barring other medical issues that may possibly contribute or complicate, where constipation is an issue, home remedies for constipation is among the optimal choices.
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Friday, January 4, 2013

Home Remedy For Constipation

Pretty much everyone is looking for a simple home remedy for constipation as it is such an embarrassing and often frustrating condition.
Constipation is easily defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult to remove. Some people who are constipated find it quite painful to have a bowel movement and often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel.
If you are wondering what has been causing your frustrating constipation the following should help you:
not enough fiber in the diet
lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly)
irritable bowel syndrome
changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging, and travel
abuse of laxatives
ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
specific diseases or conditions, such as stroke (most common)
problems with the colon and rectum
problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation)
People struggling with constipation have been blowing big cash on Over The Counter products, mainly laxatives. Alone in America the annual expenditure on laxitives is well over $750 Million.
But dont fret, you dont need to fork out hundreds of dollars for repeated usage of laxatives to temporarily fix your pain, you can simply use some of my tips discussed later on.
The main ways you can go about getting rid of your constipation are:
Diet - Start eating High-fiber foods including beans, whole grains and bran cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables such as asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and carrots. For people continually getting constipation, limit foods with minuscule or no amount of fiber content namely dairy products, meat and processed foods.
Lifestyle changes - Including exercising more frequently this is a big one because people
who are struck with illness and cannot exercise much often come down with constipation, it is not known why but is a given fact. Drink lots of fluid, including fruit and vegetable juices if possible.
Here are a couple of home remedies for constipation
Drink a glass of metamucil at night.
Drink 2-3 glasses hot water in the morning.
1. Lie flat on the ground on your back. While inhaling, lift your left foot towards your chest very slowly.
2. Hold your foot to your chest with your hands for 10 seconds (hold your breath).
3. Slowly release the foot while exhaling.
4. Repeat steps 1-2 with the other foot.
You will keep passing gas while doing the above. Keep doing steps 1-4 until the pressure builds up.
Another home remedy for constipation
For constipation to stay regular or to clean your system take glass of water and squeeze a half of a lemon or lime and half of a teaspoon of sugar and mix it then drink it before any breakfast or drink in the morning and you will see the results. And if you are not regular then slice a whole tomato put some salt and eat it in the morning before any meal or drink. guaranteed
If you would like more information on the home remedy for constipation please check out my blog at the link below.
Did you find these tips useful on getting rid of your constipation? If you would love more information click Here! to view my blog on home remedies for constipation

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